
09 Nov

Without the adoption journey – you’d be missing more than a child

Ever stop to think where you would be, or wouldn’t be if you hadn’t began the adoption journey? For us, we would have missed out on wonderful people in the adoption community, specifically those involved with Katelyn’s Fund. We wouldn’t have met the  numerous doctors who help us with our son who have become like trusted friends. We would have missed out on an incredible faith journey in the waiting, in the fund raising, in the hoping and wondering…are we ever going...

08 Nov

Wise Daughter

Well, the election didn’t go as I had planned. Yes, me, planning (errr….controlling?).  Imagine that! ...

07 Nov

Day After the Election

  Today the election has come and gone.  Whether you are pleased or disappointed with the outcome, we know our God never waivers and his calling for us stays the same!   Voting for our government is a great opportunity, and does change things to some extent, but not as much as getting involved ourselves.  If we want a government that clothes the poor and needy, let’s get out there and volunteer in community outreach, donate food to our neighbors, or help pay their rent. If we want...

02 Nov

Redeeming our story

We’re well over the two-year mark with our son. We’ve seen a lot of progress and we are hopeful for more. We grow tired, weary and honestly quite frustrated and rather “done” at times but we keep going. We enjoy the good moments and pray through the hard ones.   We’ve realized we are not only on a long journey, we are working on a story. Joseph was sold into slavery, rejected, accused, forgotten and yet decades later, he saw the value...

31 Oct


Being that today is Halloween, I thought it would be fitting if I reflected on something relevant. MASKS. We all wear them at times. Some of us wear them all the time. I am not taking about scary Halloween masks, ...

29 Oct

The God of Detail

When we consider the promises God makes to us, I wonder how often we see them in their “everydayness” as well as their eternal significance? Does “For I know the plans I have for you…” strike us from a perspective of seeing everyday circumstances woven together for His glory? The past five months of my family’s life has shown us that God’s promises are not only to be seen and clung to for the larger trajectory of our life or...

24 Oct

Orphan Sunday

            November 4 is recognized as “Orphan Sunday” and the following weekend, the Katelyn’s Fund family is taking it one step further with a local auction on Friday, and a Sunday service/luncheon.  We recognize that the Katelyn’s Fund family reaches much further than the faces we will encounter for either of these weekend events…and that is something to praise God for.  Katelyn’s Fund, and orphan ministry, have many more representatives…..because God is good.  I am part...

22 Oct

Sacrifice and Blessing

It was wild at the Heits’ house as we rushed off to church this morning. The six year old didn’t like the clothes we picked out. She whined about her available selection of footwear. The 14 year old didn’t have clean church pants and the ten year old was in a twit about having to pack a church bag with Sunday School material, pencils and colors.   We slept a little too late and lingered over our coffee a little too long....

18 Oct

Will We Speak Up?

When they are taken, they are not missed. When they are abused, they are not heard. According to the US State Department, somewhere between 600,000 and 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year, and approximately 50 percent of those trafficked are children.*  “…many of the world’s great evils are intertwined with orphan issues.  One of the most gripping examples of this is the intersection between human trafficking and orphanhood.  The cold, hard reality is that a child that lacks a provider...

17 Oct


Today my oldest child proved herself a good friend.  I’ve always known she was a good friend because she has so many friends.  Tonight, we picked one of her friends up to join us at our mid-week church night.  It was the friend’s birthday and her family was busy and Claire wanted to be with her on her birthday….so she invited her along.  Friend and I had to wait for Claire to finish at dance before church and friend said,...