Ever stop to think where you would be, or wouldn’t be if you hadn’t began the adoption journey?

For us, we would have missed out on wonderful people in the adoption community, specifically those involved with Katelyn’s Fund. We wouldn’t have met the  numerous doctors who help us with our son who have become like trusted friends.

We would have missed out on an incredible faith journey in the waiting, in the fund raising, in the hoping and wondering…are we ever going to get our son?

We would have missed the opportunity to do something that would totally and radically change our life – in more ways than we ever dreamed. We would have missed the need – the crying out to God for help, for healing, for complete redemption for our son.

Our family wouldn’t have known the joy of a much younger brother – the living, breathing example of the Gospel in our home.

We would have missed watching a young life blossom, awaken to trust and real love and acceptance.

Obviously, we would have missed our youngest child, but God is bigger than numbers, the joy of a child and families. His work is in the supernatural, He’s always doing way more than I can see – for my refining and His glory.

No matter where you find yourself on the adoption journey…don’t miss the fact that God is using adoption to draw you closer to Him and prove Himself to you. He will use every single disappointment and triumph – none of it will be wasted!