
20 Dec


    “I in them and You in Me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.” John 17:23″I in them and You in Me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.” John 17:23   While drinking my afternoon coffee today, I read an article on...

19 Dec

Make some noise.

We have cautiously shared our plans to adopt a special needs child from India.  We prayed alot, made a decision, and started whispering it.  We got more bold about it on Orphan Sunday and allowed our family to be prayed for, allowed her name to be spoken to the great cloud of witnesses in our church.  We have vascillated between excitement and fear over the past months and now we are taking action steps to move forward.  This year, at...

16 Dec

Focusing on Truth

Hello friends! Since my last post, my family has moved to a new city, moved our belonging twice (due to house closing delays) and are currently living with my parents for at least two months while we renovate. Four adults (an alpha male among one) and 2 1/2 year old twins under one roof. I am grateful–and yet I am challenged. If you’re like me, we often find ourselves in circumstances that can be difficult for one reason or another, whether...

14 Dec


I am making a conscious effort this year, to fight the feeling of busy.  I may be busy….but I don’t want to feel busy.  Know what I mean?  This is my second week coming up with ways to rebel against busy.  I thought I’d share what I’ve come up with so far, in case you wish to join me!   Assign mundane tasks to your children, even if the result doesn’t look exactly the way you want.  Delegate! Make a list of...

13 Dec


Isn’t it true that our expectations are the source of many frustrations and disappointments? And isn’t it true they can sometimes be the hope we hold on to for what’s to come? ...

12 Dec

Not In My Strength

I’ve been studying ‘suffering’ lately.In the scheme of things it seems ridiculous to consider anything about my life ‘suffering’ (to endure hardship or suffer loss).But the truth is, there are times I feel so defeated. ...

10 Dec

No Less…

The thoughts, emotions, and many of the words of this post are not something that I have not shared before… yet, once again the subject weighs heavy on my heart… so here I am… hoping that somehow my words might help someone truly understand… The comments often come from well meaning hearts.  They believe their words to be a compliment, not realizing the wounds they leave behind…  I can take the pain, I don’t want to, but I can… it is...

07 Dec

Did you know?

Did you know that there is an opinion, among Christians, that the 12 days of Christmas song has Christian meaning?  Well, I did some digging around on the internet.  It’s very interesting! There were lots of opinions in favor of Christian meaning, and against it.  Go figure.  I’m in favor.   Maybe you all knew this but it is new to me! In the years around this song’s creation, a period between 1558 and 1829, it was a crime to be Catholic in...

06 Dec

And a Little Child Will Lead Them (or rather, me)

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matt 11:28-30.   It has been a crazy week…errr…month.  Or maybe season?  But especially crazy this past month.   Last night as I’m doing laundry I asked my 8 year old son to...

05 Dec

Our Father…

  I’m sure you can recite the rest of this prayer in your sleep.  We have been taught to pray it at church and perhaps taught to pray it at home.  Why?  Because we were first taught to pray it from Jesus himself…that’s a pretty big deal.      Even so, it’s funny how easily the deep meaning of words and phrases can be forgotten when I begin to say them out of habit or ritual.  Although, I never do forget the...