Open vs. Closed adoption. Those are words that are more familiar to my husband and me, because we have been on this adoption journey for about 5 years (or more) and have had lots of conversations with people about the terms. Our extended family, and our kids, are starting to understand the terms better than most these days. Our first adoption, 4 years ago, was technically closed. We met birthmom and had lunch and photos when we got Precious. After...
jump over….just this once I promise ...
School has begun at our house. Our youngest two, adopted from Ethiopia are beginning sixth and second grade. Both girls were asked to fill a bag with items that described them as a “get to know you” activity. Megan, our second grader, happily went through the house choosing carved animals and a shawl from Ethiopia. She added a children’s Ethiopian alphabet book and a few other favorites, then eagerly packed her bag chatting about what she would say to her...
Money … so hard because we need it for so many things … and even harder when we live in a world that constantly throws at us what the world deems we should be spending our money on. Of course when you are in the adoption process the need for money, thought of money, and usually lack of money is continually on your mind. ...
I find myself feeling down-in-out because school is starting. Yes, I’m one of “those moms,” even with seven kids. But probably not why you think. I don’t feel the need to be with my kids 24/7. Although I will miss that some days. Truthfully, most days I’ll probably feel a sigh of relief when they walk out the door and I can bask in the quiet. But, starting on the first day of school, I will long for the more relaxed days...
Adopters helping adopters helping adopt: that’s what we get into once we feel called and compelled to bring a child home that was not born into it. We should warn those who have not yet adopted, that they become part of a community that does this. A few weeks ago, a busy mom, local, adoptive mom dropped off a killer lasagna because she knew we had this new little baby boy at our house and she supposed we could use...