
11 Nov

Mental Health Days

My 8 year old has been regressing.  Downward spiraling.   Her therapist and I were trying to figure out what changed.  Why she went from being able to have adequate control over her emotions, to…well NOT.  We came up with changing bedrooms–even though it was time and she was excited.  Added to that she’s having a hard time “clicking” with her teacher, and for the first time ever, friend problems.   Sigh. ...

06 Nov

Not in Your Arms, But Safely in His

     So often, I think about the former life of my two adopted children.  I think about God’s sovereign hand on them from the moment they were conceived– and even before.  I think about the many times God was faithful to them during the moments and years that they were not in my protection: the moments and situations that God directed when they were only in His protection.  How many miracles and saving wonders has he done in their...

05 Nov

Gotcha Day … Revisited

I recently met with a family who has had their daughter home for two years now.  Things are going really well, she is working through healing and learning and growing through having a family to live in.  It hasn’t been easy, and she has had to work through a lot of control and stubbornness, but she is settling into allowing someone to care for her and her ability to give and receive care is exponentially greater than it was just...

03 Nov

Orphan Sunday

We are thrilled to present the film to you now, for your preview and download in preparation for Orphan Sunday. ...

30 Oct

a better Father

We were sitting in a circle talking about the joys/struggles of adoption with 10 other adoptive parents from our church when I heard the scream.  All of our children were about 100 yards down the hall in another classroom being watched in the church nursery. It was not a “call 911” scream, but a scream that you know can only be soothed by the child’s parent, not a babysitter getting paid $10/hour.  If you are a parent, you know the...

27 Oct

Imago Dei

I had a conversation recently with an older relative who, to say the least, does not share our family’s enthusiasm for building our family and adding a little color to the mix. He grew up in a completely different culture–as a young adult in the deep south, middle-aged during the Civil Rights Movement, he was not taught either principally or practically that all are created in the image of God.   This wasn’t the first time I’ve heard quite racist rants, nor...

23 Oct

Sixth Grade

All three of our sons have successfully navigated the sixth grade. Our oldest daughter made her way through and survived as well. As parents, we seem to be establishing a track record that indicates that “this too shall pass”. However, we are in the midst of a rather rocky sixth grade voyage with kid number four. Frankly, for parents who know just how fast time typically flies, we see sixth grade as a very long and rocky ride.

18 Oct

I’m Waiting On You Lord …

I have loved hearing this song while being in the adoption process, “While I’m Waiting” by John Waller.  I love the reminder in it that even though we have to wait on the Lord, our job is still obedience and service through it all.  We may feel like waiting is so hard, but what if we used that waiting time to really focus on God and see what He has along the way?   I will serve and worship you Lord even...

17 Oct

Filling a Cup With the Ocean

     I heard a pastor say that worship is the obedient response to what God reveals.  God is amazing and faithful at revealing Himself to us in so many ways.  Just tonight as I was rocking my newly home four year old, I felt God showing a little bit more of himself to me.  She should have been laying her head down, but I was too enamored in her giggles and joy to enforce anything serious.  The...