I was suppose to blog on Wednesday but Wednesday looked a whole lot different then I thought it would when I went to bed Tuesday night. Wednesday brought a fresh reminder of my deep dependence on God. It is humbling that I need a reminder but this past Wednesday God used a horrible stomach virus to remind me how much I need to depend on Him. ...
on my personal blog, I’ve been writing this week about the fruit of the spirit….and today’s fruit is Peace. Peace is hard to attain most days. The tyranny of the urgent, or realistic fears and frustrations pop up all day long and are at war with my fight for peace and assurance of God’s provision in my life. Still, He calls us to peace. Not a false sense of assurance that everything will be ok because lots of days its...
Yesterday was Easter. It was a beautiful day! My family and I attended Easter services at a church plant in a town near us. The first thing our eight year old said when we walked into church was, “Why is everyone so happy?” Indeed, everyone was happy! I loved seeing happy families enter church with their little ones dressed for Easter. We met an old friend of mine who had three foster children in tow. All three were dressed in...
Luke 12: “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.” Two years ago, my husband unexpectedly lost his job and our family was in limbo for several months while we transitioned. It was a time of faith in the midst of fear; trust in the midst of anxiety. One of the everyday miracles that was an...
moving or being still ...
How often do you feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of a problem? Or overwhelmed by the significance of the call? Or the degree of responsibility to which your given? I just finishing read a good post about orphan care from Trevin Wax (click his name to read it). After reading his two posts I left like this; overwhelmed, insignificant, useless. ...
I recently started reading a book entitled, My Left Foot, an autobiography by Cristy Brown. (There is a movie of same title based on the book.) Cristy was born with cerebral palsy which severely limited his physical abilities but his mind was brilliant and active. He states early in his book, “I was now just ten, a boy who couldn’t walk, speak, feed or dress himself. I was helpless, …I didn’t understand what made me different or why it should...
My son has taught me something very important. But let me back up. Growing up, “I Love You’s” were abundant in our home. What a huge blessing to always know you were loved! And of course, if someone said, “I love you,” you returned it with your own, “I love you, too.” If you didn’t, well certainly something was wrong. Either you ...