
19 Jan

Counting Our Blessings

Recently our first grandbaby turned one year old.  He is adorably cute and inquisitive. We love him dearly. His first year wasn’t an easy one. ...

17 Jan

Teaching Tuesdays

Empowered to Connect:  How Do You Measure Success as a Parent? It is critically important for parents to remain focused on what it means to be successful as they navigate the adoption or foster care journey. Watch as Amy & Michael Monroe share their insights about how to measure success on this journey.   ...

11 Jan


I’ve now walked through two international adoption experiences (one resulting in family reunification and the other resulting in my two little munchkins asleep upstairs now) spanning four and a half years; walked alongside several close friends’ experiences through multiple countries; and now have the unique experience to be on “the other side” of the process as I am an international staff member with Mwana Villages in Congo and its Mwana Refuge where we have several babies in process to be...

05 Jan

What We Don’t Have

This Christmas my family had the blessing of visiting my sister’s family in their home in North Carolina. It is truly God’s extravagant love and grace towards us that my sister’s family and mine share many commonalities. She is my big sister and has been one of the greatest role models in my adult life. Besides her oldest child, our 3 children are within 6 months in age of hers. Her oldest two  have birthdays the same months as my oldest...

03 Jan

Teaching Tuesdays

Empowered to Connect:  A Challenge for Adoptive Dads Watch as Michael Monroe talks about the need for adoptive dads to partner with their wives to work together as they lead their children toward hope and healing.   ...

17 Dec

my Christmas blessing

I wish I could remember which scripture was being read at the high school concert this past week, when I received my Christmas blessing.  It was a fabulous concert that presented singing, orchestra, band, speaking, prayer……and as I sat in the dark enjoying the evening of Christmas songs, one of the scriptures pierced me with Christmas truth again.   It’s more than the story of the birth of Jesus.  Of course, that is where it has to start…..with the birth.  But as...

08 Dec

6 Habits of Grateful Parents

My husband wrote a great article a few weeks back that was geared towards athletes however, in reading it I realized that it actually is fitting for parents as well. So, with his permission I have tweet his words a bit and am posting it here. It should come as no surprise that the God who created us and the universe we live in implores us all over the Bible to be grateful people.

06 Dec

Teaching Tuesdays

Empowered to Connect:  Building Trust by Saying “Yes” Children need a balance of nurture and structure in order to learn to trust and grow. Parents can provide this balance by learning to offer “yes’s” (nurture) as much as possible, along with the “no’s” (structure) that are invariably required to protect and teach their children.   Watch as Amy Monroe explains the importance of saying “yes” to your child (as much as possible).   ...

05 Dec

Fear and Faith

Fear tried to creep in this adoption. Fear because this child had every reason to flee and fight, every reason to never trust again, every reason to be scared and act out in ways to just survive. Fear tried to create a foothold this trip, saying that we were leaving our other children behind to visit a country that you look up in the news and begin to weep and tremble. Immediately upon walking onto the tarmac in Burundi, a land...