Psalm 25: 12, 13 says this.  “Who, then, is the man that fears the Lord?  He will instruct him in the way chosen for him.  He will spend his days in prosperity, and his descendants will inherit the land. ”  I’m thinking alot about fathers, with Father’s Day coming this sunday.  Earthly fathers, our Heavenly Father… who are not yet fathers……and of course adoptive fathers.  Adoptive fathers are unique, because many of them (not all!) have a testimony that says something about a wife longing to adopt and convincing her husband……sometimes its the other way around, too, but in adoption, you choose to be a father.  You do paperwork and you do a lengthy, humbling process to say yes to a child and become his or her father and mother.  

Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up prayer to you on behalf of all the fathers who have adopted a child today.  As in Psalm 25, Lord, I do believe that these men fear you and allowed you to instruct and lead their way……you asked each of them to be a father to a special and unique fatherless one….and each said yes, sometimes more than once.  Bless these men, Lord.  You say in Psalm 25 that these men will spend their days in prosperity.  Lavish prosperity over these fathers, Abba Father.  Not just financially, although most of them are likely heavily invested and indebted…..adoption is costly… a financial “bonus’ would be great, God!  Lavish prosperity over these adoptive fathers in terms of your wisdom, your peace, your kindness, your blessings.  That they may spend their days in your prosperity, God, would be a beautiful way to live the life you have chosen for them.  And finally, that the descendants of these fathers will inherit the land……these children, our children, who are no longer fatherless, would inherit the land……whatever you choose to define the land as, Lord, make it so.  Our kids have inheritance because their fathers said yes to them.  Bless the children, and today, God, specifically your sons who have been adopted into families with fathers……guide your adopted sons in a special way, Lord, so that they too may one day be good fathers who follow your instruction and long to live for your purposes.  


And for the fatherless multitude of children still going through their days without an earthly father to hold their hand, I ask you to teach them, love and guide them, Lord……I lift them up to you again and again.  You know them by  name, you are their Father.  Whisper love and assurance over them when they sleep, God.  Protect and defend them, Lord.