When we began our first adoption, we said we were only open to a healthy referral  – there was no option in our minds for special needs children.  This time, wIth our second  adoption, both Joe and I felt that God might be laying it on our hearts to look into special needs children.  We began by looking at children with only very minor needs – those that weren’t outwardly apparent.  But, as God often works on us, He began to show us scriptures such as these:

I Samuel 16:7  For the Lord sees not as man sees:  man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.

He showed me Psalm 139 :13 and 14  You formed my inward parts: you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…

What we may see as something that is a mistake – is a thought that never crossed God’s mind.  None of these children were a mistake to Him.  He formed them, He PLANNED them, and He loves them – EVERY one of them – regardless of a special need.   We have accepted a child that could have needs far beyond what we thought God would ever chose for us.  We can only see that as God changing our hearts.

I had someone question me recently on why we were adopting Jada – if we even knew what we were getting into.  I have to say – it does make me stop and think – like we did MONTHS ago now – but I come back to the same thing.  We KNOW we are called to bring Jada home with us.  We just KNOW it is God’s plan.  Can I explain it?  No.   And do I fully understand?  No.  But I know – Joe and I both fully agree – we know we are to do this.  SO when I saw this video – I sat shaking my head "yes" – that’s it.  Jada’s vision may not even be correctable, but she still needs a home.  She needs a family and she needs to hear about God – we can do that – and we want to do that.  (Love Without Boundaries – the association that made this video is the one that SO graciously helped us find information out about Jada in the early stages – we have been so blessed through them.)