I walked into the dollar store and much to my surprise the greeting card lady was restocking the card shelves. Out with the Easter cards, onto the Mother’s day cards. Seeing her reminded me of the time years ago when I ask the card lady (this is a job independent of the store) at another store if she was throwing away the old cards and envelopes. She was and so I asked for the envelopes. These became my stash for my homemade cards. I have since seen the card lady every few years and restock my envelope stash. 🙂

Today, I left the dollar store with another years worth of envelopes and most of them red (which, being a Wisconsin Badger is perfect). This little interaction gave me a simple smile on my face and in my heart. I praised God that He has shaped me into a woman who appreciates the little things in life. I smiled as I thanked God that my heart is so delighted by free envelopes!

Now, don’t get me wrong my heart also gets bitter and cold over simple little things that it shouldn’t. Though, I can be made happy by common grace and seeing little things, like free envelopes, as a gift from God, I can also be easily annoyed by petty little things. In these times I have to turn to God and repent. It is frustrating to me that my heart can be so grateful at times and then other times so entitled and sinful.

I am reminded of how much love our Father has lavished on us (1 John 3:1)! I am reminded about how every good and perfect gift comes from Him (James 1:17)! How He made us to worship Him (Psalm 86:9) and delight in Him (Psalm 37:4) and not be content with anything else!   My happiness in my new envelopes today reminds me of the child-like faith Jesus wants us to have (Luke 18:16 &17).

When you see a child delight over something small may you remember that we too can experience that simple delight as we get our contentment from our savior and see every good thing as a gift from Him (even just a stack of envelopes)!