My Pastor shared a sermon a week ago that really resonated with me in “the wait.” It was a wonderful reminder that the Lord is working even when we are sitting in silence. The wait is very hard … for all of us in our family.


Our seven year old daughter (currently the youngest) was frustrated with her 14 year old brother yesterday and stormed off in tears exclaiming “I hate being the little one.” It was the first time I had heard her say that and I (being the youngest myself) understand that feeling of frustration with older siblings. She is also the most verbal about waiting for a sister and anticipating that time when she will arrive. The sermon I mentioned from a week ago she was sitting in the sanctuary with us and after church she showed me something that she had been working on during the sermon. Her beautiful little picture said “Welcome Home, I love you” and was adorned with hearts and stars. This precious little note for her sister that is not yet here.


Yes, the wait is hard. Not knowing when things will progress is hard. Being in this process for 2 ½ years has tested my patience and has brought moments of “how long” Lord. This sermon reminder has helped me to reframe this wait. I was reminded that our having to wait doesn’t mean that God is silent. He is working in so many ways that it is impossible for us to fathom what it looks like from His perspective. I am working to transform my waiting to anticipation. The Lord is creating a story that someday will be revealed. For today I am going to change my activity of waiting into an attitude of anticipation. I cannot wait to see what the Lord has for us and am trusting that my Master, Lord and King has this!