
04 May

Sleep the First Weeks Home: Post #1

Bringing home a newly adopted child will doubtless bring nights that are lacking a certain precious commodity: SLEEP. We brought home a 4-year-old boy last summer, but for the first month or so the dark circles under our eyes would fool you into thinking we had brought home a newborn.  Here is a glimpse of the sleep journal I kept our first few days home: Day 1: Nap: On crib mattress beside...

03 May

Testimony Tuesday

Testimony Tuesday is dedicated to the stories of our grant recipients.  May you be encouraged by their stories… “We say we trust God. Are you ready to live that out?” Those were the words my husband asked me in the fall. We had just found out that his position had been cut after 21 years of service. We have four children to support, relying...

27 Apr

A Testimony to the Lord’s Provision

This blog entry is dedicated to those of you who might be discouraged when it comes to the daunting task of funding your adoption and for those who are hesitant to adopt because of how much it costs.  My prayer is that through our testimony to the Lord’s provision, you will give glory to God and feel freed up to trust him with your finances.  So let me share with you how the Lord has provided every dime we...

26 Apr

Testimony Tuesday

Testimony Tuesday is dedicated to bringing you stories of our grant recipients.  May you be encouraged through their stories…. Four years ago, the Lord placed our daughter Isabella in my heart…  He instilled upon me three things… She would be born in China.  We would find her on the special needs Waiting Child list.  She would be my journey of faith.  Each one of these proved to be true.  Jesus...

22 Apr

Creating Your Adoption Profile

Creating your adoption profile is one of the most important and daunting tasks that a couple must face when beginning the process of a domestic adoption. It's difficult to capture your life in twenty pages or less.  How do you choose photos?  What do you say about them? What do you share about yourselves and the future you hope to have with your children?  You struggle with sounding braggy, or boring, or superficial, or fake.  It's just difficult. But it...

19 Apr

Testimony Tuesday

Testimony Tuesday is dedicated to the stories of our grant recipients.  May you be encouraged by their stories… “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ. And so through him the 'Amen' is spoken by us to the glory of God.”- 2 Corinthians 1:20 I have been studying about faith… really about God's faithfulness. His faithfulness to me is the reason for my faith in him. He is totally...

16 Apr

“He does not forget the cry of the afflicted.” Psalm 9:12

A couple days before we picked up our two children from Ethiopia, I stumbled across the above verse and I just could not help but to praise the Lord for hearing the cries of our children.   Then, while we were in Ethiopia, we saw specific ways the Lord has responded to the cries of our two children.  Let us share with you their stories so that you too will marvel at God’s disposition to hear the cries...

13 Apr

“It’s Your Fault”

  There is someone very dear to me who seeks someone to 'blame' for us adopting. I mean every.time.we.adopt. It's not necessarily about the children or where they are from, as it is a lack of understanding.    Why would we choose to put ourselves through that? Why would we want more children?...

12 Apr

Testimony Tuesday

Testimony Tuesday is dedicated to the stories of our grant recipients.  May you be encouraged by their stories….   Our adoption journey began after complicated pregnancies. Although we were blessed with two healthy children, the news of not being able to have more was difficult for us. We began asking God to show us His will for our family. He led our hearts to adoption and in June of 2006 we welcomed Micah Henry Myeong home from South Korea.

11 Apr

Sweet Moon Baby

You can tell that this author, Karen Henry Clark, has been through the adoption journey herself. Sweet Moon Baby is a wonderful adoption story. Clark bases this story on her journey to adopt her daughter. It takes the process of an adoption from China, and puts it in a fairytale or folk tale form. I think it is a wonderful way to approach talking to little ones about adoption – I would gear it for ages 3-5. You...