As many of us seek to pray for and have heavy hearts for orphan ministry, it sometimes can be challenging to remember all of the different aspects that orphan care ministry involves, and how we can be prayerful for many different people involved. While this certainly only scratches the surface of all of the people who play a role in caring for orphans, I ask you to join me in prayer for the following: the caregivers who selflessly care for children...
Dear boys and girls, Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. It is a day that the world celebrates in honor of Love. Many celebrate romantic love, but please know that love is more than boys liking girls, and girls being loyal to just one guy……Love is everything. Love is Jesus. Love is the Gift of Salvation, and the Father who loves his children so much that He will do whatever it takes to keep them with him. Love is power. Love is a...
We all NEED wiser, “more seasoned” people in our lives that are at least a few years ahead of us. We need them because they provide perspective that we are unable to have because we have less years of living. We need a godly mentor or discipler who will point us to God and to His word. I am grateful for these ladies in my life. I have sought them out, prioritized my relationships with them, and opened my heart...
I Like Adoption ! from mrgeorgedmusic on GodTube. ...
Fear … how it can be stifling and crippling, or a reason to be encouraged to go to the remover of fear, the One that wants to take ahold of our fears. Waiting is hard, it really stinks. The unknown is hard, it really stinks. Creating scenarios in your head that you then fear is hard, it really stinks. Why do we do that? ...
It seems that life with a 3 and 4 year old always keeps my husband and I talking about disciplining our children. We find ourselves talking with friends about how best to help shape our children. Of course, there is no shortage of books and opinions about how to do this! Thankfully I am not a huge information gathering and I don’t over-think things, (doing those things in this area of parenting could monopolize my life!!) but I do think it...
I was recently asked to share at our church’s upcoming Women’s Retreat about our adoption story. Three and a half years ago, we embarked on a journey to adopt two children from DR Congo; in those past three years we’ve had some of the most wonderful “highs” and some very deep “lows”…from seeing the precious faces of twin boys to hearing that they were kidnapped (only to find out it was false information), and ultimately closing that adoption as they were...
Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 106:1 This morning I woke up to … *Dishes scattered (not stacked) along every square inch of counter space, because that’s the way they were when we left the house yesterday morning for an all-day doctor’s appointment, got home just in time for kids’ after school snack and left again for church, only to return for all-around bath time and last-minute homework ...
2014-2015 Is bringing lots of curious new developments for me…… ...