
12 Aug

Royal Family Kids Camp 2016

  This is a photo of the Royal Family Kids Camp staff for 2016 in our area.  74 of them, I think, gathered together a week ago to go lead a camp for about 38 kids in foster care.  My 16 year old daughter Claire is in there somewhere. ( We missed her this week.)   ...

09 Aug

Teaching Tuesdays

Tapestry Conference 2015–Back to Basics Connecting Healthy relationships require a strong foundation of connection. Our relationships with our children are no different. We need to understand how to keep connection as our goal – in the good times and the not-so-good times. Even when we need to correct our children we also have an opportunity to connect with them. It takes practice for sure, but as we focus on connection and make it our goal in each and every situation,...

06 Aug

Floors and Ceilings.

I have a kiddo who is heading out tomorrow for a week-long camp experience.  She is a “guide-in-training” for a foster care camp.  She’s still technically a minor (even though her soul is so, so old) so she cannot do the official guide or other roles.  She is a helper.  For now, she’s ok with that.  She is only 16.  She went to training today and tomorrow morning she will get commissioned at church and pack up with 70-ish other...

05 Aug

Connecting and Community

We need community and we need connection. We all do. We hope that in this coming year the Lord deepens both community and connections. The support team has been asking the Lord how we can best walk beside, help, and encourage families as we walk through the hard stuff of parenting our children from hard places.  We are so excited to be able to give parents some more tools for their toolbox and to grow deeper community this year.

04 Aug

Hair braiding and Discipline

The other night my 4 1/2 year old daughter, Hadassah, got her beautifully tight curly hair braided. As I sat on our couch holding her as she cried and begged us to stop, I began thinking. As I reflected on how those 2 hours went down I thought about the parallels of this braiding experience with the job of disciplining my children. Let me fill you in on how the night played out.  Per my value in having lots of wonderful...

04 Aug

Beating Hearts Race Incentive!

VERY EXCITING NEWS! (from Beating Hearts)   We have a GREAT incentive for you all!   We have an anonymous donor that will donate $10/registration sign up between TODAY August 4 – Sunday August 7th. ...

02 Aug

Testimony Tuesday

Brock & Kimberly Sombke Children: Lily (18), Zeke (6), Ryker (5), and Kreed (2) Church: First Covenant Church in Willmar, MN   We are Brock and Kimberly Sombke, and we live with our 4 biological children in Willmar, Minnesota.  After our youngest child (2 years old currently, with PKU) was born, we started to talk about adoption. We wondered if there were children with PKU (domestically or internationally) that needed homes. Knowing that we have the necessary knowledge and resources, we began to pursue...

01 Aug

Compassion is Couragous

Can I just tell you how brave you are?  You are amazing.  You have been courageous to see injustice and then to initiate compassion.  You have left the side lines and been willing to go into uncomfortable spaces to offer tenderness, affection, and love. You have been compassionate, and compassion is always courageous. Can I remind you how empowered you have been by God’s Spirit to go into the world and care for His children?  You have not chosen an easy road,...

29 Jul

When 30% is the best I can do…..

Today, the last 2 of our 5 kids arrived after our vacation at the lake.  It was supposed to be a week but dad and child #2 had to leave after day 2 for drivers Ed.  I stayed until day 5 and took a niece and children 1 and 5 with me, leaving children #3 and #4 with my mom.  Today was the end of the vacation week and she drove them the 6 hours home and they arrived mid-afternoon...

29 Jul

When Adoption Is Not an Option

What does God say pure and undefiled religion is? James 1:27 clearly outlines what pure religion is. Pure religion is caring for the widows and caring for the orphans. Oftentimes, it is this verse that becomes the mantra for so many of us when our hearts begin to beat with a passion for the orphan. When we feel the tug towards adoption and foster care we remember that caring for the orphans is not suggested; it is required. We see...