
03 Sep

consider the wild flowers…..

Luke 12:27 says this, “Consider how the wild flowers grow.  They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.”   Consider how the wild flowers grow… other translations it is consider the lillies of the field.  Consider  nature….what is all around us…..consider how effortlessly things bloom and grow……   Many of us feel like we are just so, so busy and yet we long to consider how the wild...

01 Sep

Don’t Buy Into It

As the school year begins I had a thought occur to me again. One that has sort of become a pet peeve of mine. An idea that seems to be subtly circulated through the minds of parents (at least I assume) by our culture. And this is the idea: that others can see how much you love your children by how much you share about them on social media and/or how much your life centers around their activities. Of course, like many...

30 Aug

Testimony Tuesday

Paul & Laura Wilson Children: Asher Emerick (3), Kai Daniel Wilson (2) (expected to join our family May/June 2016) Church: Calvary Baptist Church, Easton, Pennsylvania Our story of adoption is one of loss giving way to life. After our first son was born, we excitedly started to dream about what our family would look like. We dreamed of our family of four kids, two years apart, all with personality traits and appearances that resembled us. As we began our journey of secondary infertility,...

29 Aug

Did You Know? You are WANTED

My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:15-16   ...

26 Aug

an adoption story….Rachel

Eight years ago, we were just beginning our journey to adoption.  I scrolled through the Family Blogs page on the Katelyn’s Fund web site that used to exist, and I was reading about domestic adoptive families.  One of them had a link to a new ministry in India.  The ministry was called Sarah’s Covenant Homes and the woman had a blog where she shared her call and journey to rescue special needs orphans in Southeastern India.  (This may sound familiar...

23 Aug

Teaching Tuesdays

Tapestry Conference 2015–Back to Basics Unconditional Love and the Heart of a Pursuing Parent Reading this title may have led you to the conclusion that this is a session about how we should love our children unconditionally when they are acting ugly. Not exactly. Rather, this is a message about how God the Father loves us unconditionally when we are acting ugly. ...

22 Aug

Yikes…and YAY! It’s Back to School

For most parents, back to school season is met with a mixture of sadness, regret, apprehension, and joy. This week, our daughters, adopted ten years ago, are getting ready to head to fifth and ninth grades. I am eager for school to begin, but I am sad summer is over, and I regret those things we didn’t do, but OH YEAH!  I’m so excited they are heading back to school! One of my jobs as my kids’ mom, is to advocate my...

20 Aug

self care ideas

In the last days of summer, as we turn our focus to school and schedules…..I find myself thinking of something else…self care.  All summer long, we moms and dads have been driving kids around to camps and events and play dates.  We have planned for and implemented vacations which are often not so relaxing for the parents.  We have enjoyed our kids and the longer days of summer……and some of us are tired. ...

20 Aug

Teaching Tuesdays

Changing What we bring to the parent-child relationship – in terms of your own history, motivations, and expectations – matters just as much as our children’s histories, abilities, needs, and challenges. In order to help our children build trust, heal, and grow, we need to focus on our past, present, and future. By making sense of our past and being realistic about the future, we can be freed to be fully present in each and every moment to help...

16 Aug

Testimony Tuesday

Richard and Kimberly Wheeler Daughter: Maliah Joy Wheeler. 4 months old. Born on November 10, 2015. Church: Covenant Life Church, Branson, Missouri We are so grateful for the ministry of Katelyn’s Fund. When my husband and I started the adoption process in February of 2015, we honestly didn’t know how we would pay for our adoption, but we knew this was the direction the Lord was leading us to build our family. ...