
28 Oct


I have tried to write a post about this child more than once.  I have written it one hundred times in my head… thousand times in my heart.  Today I read the story of how this child, named Richa, became a daughter to these parents.  I have waited a very long time to read this blog.  If you want to read it, let me know.  Richa is a child who was born in India.  She was among the first to...

28 Oct

What We Remember

My oldest daughter and I were talking a few weeks ago and our conversation had me thinking of a trip we took with her and her sister years ago to Virginia. I asked her if she remembered the trip and she could only produce one memory. She seemed to think fondly of a city and loud construction going on while we explored. I was struck by her memory, and it’s had me thinking about what we remember. My 10 year...

25 Oct

Testimony Tuesday

Jason and Jennie Salazar Children: Jackson (17), Cameron (15), Josie (8), Diego (4) Church: James River Church, Ozark, MO Our adoption journey began in May of 2012.  This is when we first felt God lead us to adopt for a 2nd time.  Our first adoption was from Haiti in 2010 and we saw God work a miracle in our daughter’s life. This opened our eyes to the great need for orphan care in Haiti and showed us that we have been given the...

22 Oct

stained carpet

This week I met with a younger friend to catch up and pray.  I guess I am her “mentor” because that is what she asked me to be, but for me, she is just my friend.  We meet regularly and talk and I offer advice on how to grown in wisdom because this is one of her goals.  I encourage her in her dreams.  I care for her.  She knows the Lord intimately, and it is so much fun to...

18 Oct

Teaching Tuesdays

Tapestry Conference 2015–Back to Basics Healing As the people called by God to be the primary agents of healing in the lives of our children, there is good news; hope and healing are real. Join us as we share strategies that can help you as you as we travel this journey with your kids. We will discuss the reality of the journey, which can be difficult at times, as well as share stories of success to encourage you.

17 Oct

A New Journey

We are embarking on a new journey. New for us. Many have gone before us, and we are so thankful for their experience and wisdom. ...

15 Oct

How we all do it

I have a sweet friend that lives in a nearby city.  She and her husband have 7 children from age 18 years down to 10-ish.  All but one are adopted.  He is self-employed and she is full-time mom.  She loves Jesus so, so much.  I visited her a few years ago and marveled at the schedule she created for herself.  Here is what I remember of it.  She wakes up early, and her husband brings her coffee and takes over...

11 Oct

Testimony Tuesday

James and Lisa Murphy Children: Madolyn (10), Joseph (7), Charlie (6), Lulu (6) just home! Church: St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church, Delray Beach, FL My husband and I started our family a little later than most. As we approached our forties, we began looking into adoption, and it changed our lives. We have completed five adoptions in the last ten years. ...

08 Oct

John 14:27

Last week I considered whether we would adopt again, and this week I am overwhelmed by how incapable I am of parenting even up to my standards which are lower than most.  I get frustrated, impatient, tired.  I am reminded every day of my age and how hard it is to be an older mama to young children again and again……and again.  Day after day I struggle against the dark powers of feeling less than, stressed, oppressed……while trying to raise...

04 Oct

Teaching Tuesdays

Tapestry Conference 2015–Back to Basics Feeling One of the key concepts we need to understand as parents is the difference between “being” and “feeling”. Our kids can “be safe” without “feeling safe”. We need to embrace our kids “felt” needs so that we can be the parents they need us to be. This session will highlight the difference between “being” and “feeling” and offer insights and practical ways to created a “felt” environment in your family. We will discuss “feeling...