As many of us seek to pray for and have heavy hearts for orphan ministry, it sometimes can be challenging to remember all of the different aspects that orphan care ministry involves, and how we can be prayerful for many different people involved. While this certainly only scratches the surface of all of the people who play a role in caring for orphans, I ask you to join me in prayer for the following:


  • the caregivers who selflessly care for children in orphanages, many who have very difficult home situations and struggle with poverty themselves. Prayer for wisdom, patience, love, sustaining strength, salvation, perspective, and attentiveness.
  • the orphanage directors, that they may practice wisdom, patience, discernment, and standards of excellence. That they may be strengthened to refrain from temptations of unethical practices in human trafficking, self-gain at the expense of children.
  • the attorneys who work with international and domestic adoptions, that they would be given wisdom, humility, and care. That they would practice in all ways beyond reproach and work efficiently and timely to bring about ethical adoptions
  • the court members (judges, secretaries, bailiffs) who have an influence in adoption proceedings, that they would practice ethically, expeditiously, and with discernment
  • the experts in child development, medical care, nutrition, psychological trauma, etc. who can lend their expertise and gifts for the good of those in care, that they give generously of their time and talents, that they practice with effectiveness for the good of children
  • foster families who keep children in need for a time until (prayerfully) they can be united with a forever family, that they instill a sense of worth, love, attention, and health for children
  • birth families whose life is often unimaginably difficult as they struggle with poverty, illness, and death–often facing difficult decisions for how to care for themselves, extended family members, and their own children. May we support vulnerable families and women so they will not have to face heartbreaking decisions for relinquishing or abandoning children
  • vulnerable children–orphans–that they may know the Lord has created them in his image; that there is no greater love than the love of their Heavenly Father; that one day He will wipe away all tears. May a hedge of protection surround them from the enemy, that they would grow and thrive as people of God, that they would learn to trust, thrive, love, and glorify the Lord with their lives.


Lord, we lift these people, and all the more that you see and know, up and ask for your guidance, wisdom, protection, and power. Amen!