Although I wrote this weeks ago, it is still for today.  I am feeling sorry for myself.

Poor me, so much laundry and managing the house and so little time.  Trying to keep up with homeschooling and being underappreciated.  Getting very little or no thanks for most of all I do.   Poor me!  These times do not glorify God.  I need only think of Jesus’ time as a human being and realize that He was never fully appreciated if appreciated at all.  For now, God has given me as my primary ministry to be a wife and mom.  I desire to humbly, gratefully do my best at this job while I am blessed to have it.  Even as I write, I am reminded of God’s grace in softening my heart.

Lord, forgive me for every time I fail to acknowledge your sovereignty and do not give you thanks and the glory for all. I do love being a wife and mom and ask, by your grace, to be able to serve in this capacity joyfully for as long as You desire for me to glorify You in doing so.  Please forgive my selfishness today and my failure to live in the freedom Your grace provides .I know You love me.