on my personal blog, I’ve been writing this week about the fruit of the spirit….and today’s fruit is Peace.  


Peace is hard to attain most days.  The tyranny of the urgent, or realistic fears and frustrations pop up all day long and are at war with my fight for peace and assurance of God’s provision in my life.  Still, He calls us to peace.  Not a false sense of assurance that everything will be ok because lots of days its not.  He did not gaurantee us an easy road, or the absence of trials…..and often I receive more than I can handle of hassle and hardship.  That’s ok because the author of Peace is saying, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. (and peace)”…..so we are directed by God to find his peace and rest, in the good and the bad things of the day.  He won’t back down from them, he is waiting with peace to lavish on me and on you…..so let’s come to the table of the Lord with our restlessness, our frustration, our despair……whatever the opposite of peace looks like in your day.  Let’s come to the table of the Lord with that and set it down there because he has prepared a table of Peace for me and for you and He is waiting to exchange it and offer it and feed it to us today.


May you all find Peace that passes human wisdom and understanding today.