(reposted from my blog October 13, 2010)
One of my devotions had this title today, and it really got me to thinking about 'impossible.'
When I finally came to know Christ at 36, I was either too ignorant to know better, too stubborn to conform, or maybe just too ready to be ignited for change… but for some reason I haven't been afraid to ask God for the hard stuff. Even the 'impossible' stuff. I guess I figured if God is who He says He is, there is nothing 'impossible' for Him. I'm not talking about testing Him; I talking about desperately seeking Him and clinging to His promises when everything around me screams, "NO!" There are times when I fall prey to the lies of the enemy…or give in to my desires…or try to seize control, but He has always proven faithful. Always! And this morning I'm reminded of just a few instances of His faithfulness.

For years I prayed that my dad would accept Christ, even though he had been running from Him most of his adult life. Answered, just weeks before he entered into glory!

I've prayed for reluctant hearts to be opened to adoption. Continuing to be answered!

Praying that God would supply ALL we need to bring this one home…and that her needs are not as severe as projected. Being answered!

Prayed this one would eventually bond to and learn to trust her family.


Prayed for clarity whether this one was our son as his medical need was unfamiliar to us…and his file was going back to Ch*na. Answered!

Prayed the increasing wait (from 2005 to 2007) to this one would cultivate a deeper faith and result in God's goodness and faithfulness being magnified. Answered!

Prayed this one would experience 'second adoption' as a believer in Christ. Answered!

Prayed God would sustain the fragile life of this one as she was so sick at 9 days old. Answered!

Praying this one would integrate into his new family and culture, despite the scars of his past. Being answered!

Praying this one will use the bold courage God has given Him to influence his friends, and apply his knowledge of God's character to his own life. Being answered!

Praying this one would keep his faith deep in the foundation of Christ as he faces the opposition that comes with the university environment. Being answered!

What is your 'impossible' today?

Don't be afraid to take it to the Father, the Creator of the Universe who loves you so intimately that He created you uniquely for His purpose!


We don't need spectacular words or catchy terms.
We just need to stop being afraid to ask.
Whatever our past, whatever our present circumstances, whatever the prognosis, whatever the public opinion… there is NOTHING God cannot do!