They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him.  He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village.  Mark 8:22-23

The blind man trusted Jesus’ intimate touch of holding his hand and leading him outside the village.

When he had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, “Do you see anything?”  He looked up and said, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.”  Mark 8:23-24

The blind man believed Jesus’ healing touch.

Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes.  Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.  Jesus sent him home, saying, “Don’t go into the village.”  Mark 8:25-26

The blind man had faith in Jesus’ touch, which led to action.

What kind of touch do you need from Jesus today?

Do you need to trust Him for anything…or everything?

Do you need to believe He is able?

Do you need to have faith which leads to action?