We all have a story. Hopefully we have been able to see how God is working the story of our lives. There is a metanarrative being written by the creator of all things. It is the most fascinating story ever told. It is the story of creation, rebellion, rescue and redemption. It is the story that each of our lives fits into. A story that gives all the glory to the One worthy of it. Jesus our great God.  I want to make sure when I am telling my stories that I am focusing on the bigger more important story. This was hard for me at first when people would ask about our adoption story. There is so much to tell, so many details to share. But what are the pieces that will truly capture what God did and is doing through our families story of adoption, this piece is what I had to give so thought to.  Though it takes some reflection and maybe even some practice, coming up with a short 3 minute response to peoples question about our adoption journey is very important. It is so easy to just give the classic meaningless responses of, “it was amazing” or “it was interesting”. These meaningless responses do not give God the glory He deserves and it does not really capture our experience. 


So I have challenged myself and encourages you to take time to reflect on the story God is writing in your life and be ready to give an answer for the hope that you have to any and everyone who asks. (1 Peter 3:15) Tell your story as a worshipper!