It is once again time for my “Exploring Racial Justice” post.  I’ve read the chapter, but have run out of energy for writing the post.  It’s been a long week of sickness, stress at work, and water in the basement.  I’m not asking for pity.  Yesterday, I would have.  But today, I am thankful for my many blessings.

I am thankful for a husband that recognized my emotional outbursts as the result of my tired body and mind, not as an image of what I feel about him.

I am thankful for my parents who came to take the kids to their place for a slumber party so that I could get a good night’s sleep.

I am thankful for my kids who have said such loving things:  “Mommy, I’m sorry you don’t feel good.”  “Mama, can we pray for you to get better?”  “Mommy, I’ll get you some water so you feel better.”

I am thankful for the medication that is cleaning out the infection in my sinuses.

I am thankful for sunshine and warmer temperatures.  I am thankful for the promise of spring.

Above all, I am thankful for the supreme sacrifice made for me by my Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Thank you, Jesus, for the innumerable blessings to bring to my life each and every day!

What are you thankful for?