“As we sit in this place of grief, our hearts cry out to Him and the promises He makes. He tells us that He is able to immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, that He is close to the broken hearted, and that we are to learn to seek justice and care for the least of these. “
Race. Reconciliation. Relationships. Redemption.
Words are important, words matter, they can build or destruct, and sometimes it feels like there simply are no words to say. Race, relationships, reconciliation, and redemption are big words that carry big emotions, we have seen the traumatic, big events that have taken place over the past month – and honestly decades prior – they are the words that fill our prayers. We are no doubt in a place of needing Him to move in big ways.
We have started to write and rewrite this so many times over the last month, there have been so many hard images, thoughts, calls, and conversations. As we reflect on the magnitude of injustice, it simply feels like there are no words to embody all of it. We’re finding it hard to catch our breath or know what to say – as we imagine many of you have also felt. We feel delayed, discouraged for our kids, seeking wisdom on how to navigate conversations, almost paralyzed in the wrestling. But we do not want to be. We desire to trust Him for His wisdom, His leading, His restoring.
Our heart have been so, so heavy for all of the heartache, especially around race and the impact this is having on those we love – first families, adoptive families, and all of our fearfully and wonderfully made children. The injustice that has endured for generations saddens our hearts, and we know it must grieve the heart of the Father, as well. There always has been and continues to be a need to rise up, to speak up, to stand up, to lead and to love as He does. We’re asking Him every day what that looks like.
As we sit in this place of grief, our hearts cry out to Him and the promises He makes. He tells us that He is able to immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, that He is close to the broken hearted, and that we are to learn to seek justice and care for the least of these.
Oh, how we need to know and see those promises unfold, that He is close to the brokenhearted as there are many hearts broken. Oh, how we need to see people rise up against injustice and to see Him do immeasurably more than we can imagine.
Our prayer for each of ourselves is also our prayer for you – that we would not be paralyzed into doing nothing, but instead lean into Him and see the ways He loves and leads. Jesus loved deeply and welcomed freely. He spoke up for those being hurt and against things that were unjust. He looked at and saw the marginalized, not only including them, but loving them fully. He never discriminated because of color, but saw the person His Father created them to be.
When little else is gives us comfort, we’re finding comfort in this. He sees who we ARE, not merely on the outside, but who He created us to be. We want to see like He sees. And we want others to do the same. We want to love like He does even when it is so hard.
On a personal level and as a ministry, we’re following His example. We will love and welcome, continue to speak up as He directs us in Proverbs 31:8, to look into the eyes of the marginalized and embrace them fully. We continue to pray that He will give much courage and compassion.
We are praying that He uses this time to draw others in, as we know He uses all things. We are praying for those who might be in the place with no words or feeling like they are not sure what to do, we pray He will meet us there, for others that there is a stirring to find ways to get involved in speaking up for others, join in and join us. Our hearts are heavy but also hopeful. We are asking for His grace and covering, for breakthrough, collectively, and also for each one of you as individual families. You are not alone. We are praying for and with you.
We’re waiting on our King to come and make all things right, but in the meantime, we will continue to lean into Him and be His hands and feet in whatever way He allows.