The following came from Adoptive Families magazine, May/June 1992.  It was part of our teaching packet for our ongoing adoption.  I think its worth sharing.

Positive Language vs. Negative Language:

Birthparent vs. Real parent

Biological parent vs. Natural parent

Birth child vs. Own child

My child vs. Adopted child; own child

Born to unmarried parents vs. illegitimate

Terminate parental rights vs. give up

Make an adoption plan vs. give away

To parent vs. to keep

Waiting child vs. adoptable child; available child

Biological or birth father vs. real father

Making contact with vs. reunion

Parent vs. adoptive parent

Intercountry adoption vs. foreign adoption

Adoption triad vs. Adoption triangle

Permission to sign a release vs. Disclosure

Search vs. track down parents

Child placed for adoption vs. An unwanted child

Court termination vs. child taken away

Child with special needs vs. Handicapped child

Child from abroad vs. Foreign child

Was adopted vs. Is adoption.


Several of these give me pause and make me think.  We are talking about the list in our home.  It’s good stuff.