Adoption has always been on our hearts as a couple ever since we first started dating. Ashley is adopted from foster care and she knows just how much adoption has changed her life. Together, we have always seen the beautiful picture of the Gospel that is found in adoption. God has graciously adopted us into his family! What a gift of life!
When we got married, we desired to start a family, but we struggled to get pregnant. So, we turned to adoption sooner than planned. (We had always intended to adopt but thought it would be later on.) We adopted our first son, Eli, as an infant, and it has been so neat to see the Lord work through his story and to watch him grow. Katelyn’s Fund blessed us with a grant along the way and prayers as we waiting patiently for Eli.
When we started our second adoption, we felt worried that we would not be able to afford it as we had saved for many years beforehand for our first. We trusted and prayed, and God answered our prayers through Katelyn’s Fund! We were matched with 2 boys in December of 2024, but the match unfortunately fell through in January of 2025. We know that God has a purpose and a plan for our little family. We are very blessed as Katelyn’s Fund has been so supportive, prayed along with us, and encouraged us as we wait for God’s beautiful plan.
Are there any ways you have seen God uniquely at work in this process or what have you learned through adoption you may have not otherwise known?