Read Kevin and Jenny’s adoption story:

We were interested in adoption early in our relationship. We felt called to adopt the first time, and now we have the sweetest, most loveable 3-year-old. After prayerfully considering adoption again, we felt called to move forward. We were so excited and somehow assumed that since we had done it once, it would be even easier this time.

Unfortunately, in the wait, we became weary. We questioned if we really heard from the Lord and if we were “doing something wrong.” We are so thankful to our families, friends, and church family for covering us with prayer and encouragement. Lies from the enemy were creeping in. He comes to steal and destroy our peace. I am so glad we didn’t listen to the enemy and give up. We finally got a call about our son, and we knew right away from the Lord that he was supposed to be our son. God is a GOOD God; He is faithful!

We received the gift of faith during this adoption. When we got the call about our son, it was clear he was supposed to be our son. This meant within days, we had to move our family across the country for over 3 months for a NICU stay. We continued to take one step at a time, and God continued to work out all the details for us. We still can’t believe it, but God is so GOOD. Only God could make a way for us to do that. We witnessed miracles before us, our son being healed over and over again.  

Katelyn’s Fund has been such a financial blessing. We would not have been able to do this without their support. Most importantly, the prayer that board members and the team have offered has been so encouraging and uplifting in times that we didn’t know that’s just what we needed. God is so GOOD! We are forever grateful for the financial and prayerful support you give our family!