Our little community has an all volunteer fire/rescue crew. This group of men and women live and work along side each of us, having a variety of jobs and responsibilities, e.g. mechanic, caterer, agent, grocery store clerk… However, when the alarm sounds, they literally cease everything they are doing and rush to the fire station, jump into their prepared gear, and race to serve, not knowing what to expect. I appreciate their willingness to be trained and ready to assist without warning.

Recently, I heard the alarm sound at the fire station. (We live just a block away and in a small town, we are aware of every rescue call.) As we saw the trucks drive by with lights and sirens, we prayed for the situation.   We prayed for God to be working through these rescue workers and that those needing assistance would be drawn closer to the Lord through whatever was happening. I also thanked God for these volunteers willingness to faithfully, willingly, go and serve at a moments notice.

As I prayed, I realized, humbly, that I too needed to be trained and ready to respond at a moments notice, without warning, voluntarily, when alarms go off in my day. Often times in my day, I see these “emergency” situations and alarms, (interruptions to my day such as arguments between children) as nuisances. Since I am an organized person who plans and schedules, I enjoy a look at my calendar to plan my day accordingly. Interruptions to MY plans are usually undesirable. However, Iam learning that God doesn’t write everything down on my calendar.

I started to try to see myself as a rescue worker. I should be ready at a moments notice to cease everything, change my plans, and serve. I won’t be putting out house fires or providing emergency medical care, but I may have to lovingly extinguish fires that starts between my children and be used by God to heal old wounds.  I can have my gear ready to step into so instead of nuisances, these interruptions become opportunities. I need to be ready at any moment for an alarm to signal me to act.

I am grateful for our volunteer fire/rescue workers. I am also humbled by my Lord’s willingness to lovingly work through me.


Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.

Proverbs 19:21