Now let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.
To our faithful friends,
All praise to Him and gratefulness to you as we look back over 2019 and look ahead to 2020
As I reflect on this past year, my mind is flooded with His faithfulness in so many ways. There were many challenges, there were many joys, He was in all of it. My mind is drawn to a song called, “My Tribute” by Andrae Crouch. The words overwhelm me as I think of the ways that He has again worked in this year, for the ministry through so many of you, and the offering of His love to each one of us personally.
“How can I say thanks
For the things You have done for me?
Things so undeserved
Yet You gave to prove Your love for me;
The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude
All that I am and ever hope to be
I owe it all to Thee
To God be the glory
To God be the glory
To God be the glory
For the things He has done”

Our continued prayer for the ministry is that the things we do bring Him glory, that children and families will come to know Him and choose Him, understanding the fullness of who He is and walking in security as sons and daughters of the King.
We praise Him for all He is doing, we have grateful hearts and are so very humbled that He has brought so many to work and walk in this together We have new ministry t-shirts this year, that say, “Walk Together”, no one needs to walk alone. We love the ways that He works in and builds community, we have seen and experienced this, for which we praise Him. Each one has a place, plays a part, and is needed. Please know that your part, your place, is seen and known and so very valued. Whether you continue to give to help families and kids, whether you engage in support activities choosing community, whether you serve, whether you read and gain resources from afar, or are one that continues to uplift us in prayer, all are needed, all are known, and we are so very, very grateful.
As we reflect on the year that is about to close, we are filled with many emotions, knowing there were some bittersweet things, there were some heartbreaking things that still do not make sense, there were some things that bring such joy, release for families and children to walk in freedom and healing, and the greatest victory, seeing those choosing Jesus for themselves.
Time passes so quickly, it seems there is a hastening to choose how to spent our time, our resources, and to be intentional. I wish I could sit with each of you and look with your eyes, taking time to reflect on His faithfulness of this year and to also encourage and challenge you, that there is so much ahead. As we look back, we also look forward. Knowing that this next year will hold opportunities and also challenges. That we can rest in the testimony of what He has already done to give us confidence in what He will continue to do, in things we do not yet see, knowing that He will again remain faithful.
Our deepest gratitude to each of you for your choosing to walk with us as a ministry, whether giving and supporting the things He is doing in caring for the orphan or entrusting us with your families and children, we are humbled and honored. All praise to Him and gratefulness to you as we look back over 2019 and look ahead to 2020, truly to God be the glory for the things He has done and we trust will continue to do.
In Him,
Sheila De Jong – Founder and President
on behalf of the Katelyn’s Fund Board of Directors