This blog is written by an adoptive mom and friend of Katelyn’s Fund, Alissa Kroeze.

Psalm 23.

I sometimes get frustrated with my kids because they always seem to want something. Different food for dinner, just a few more minutes of screen time, socks that fit a certain way, to go on a summer vacation, to be on a different volleyball team, to have a friend over after school, for their sister to stop looking at them in the backseat of the van. (these are hypothetical of course) Why does no one seem content with what they have? Why do I never seem to be content with what I have?

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. – Psalm 23:1

In the world we live in today, it can be so easy to measure our “cup of blessings”; on a scale of successes to failures. Where does our contentment fall on this scale? A full cup at the end of the day based on kindness and smiles from your children, achievements and accolades at work. A clean house, a full bank account, or attention from someone
you admire. And while those things are not bad, what if that isn’t how your day goes? Some days are closer to the failures end of the spectrum. You feel like no one cares. Your kids are disrespectful. You lost your job and can’t pay the bills. A failed adoption. What happens then, if we’re keeping score?

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
– Psalm 23:5

If we look beyond the surface of physical, practical needs… our constant state of “want” is a need for grace. There is good news. This overflow is not the fruit of our successes just as it does not empty with our failures. Our cup overflows with the grace and mercy of an everlasting Father. The Good Shepherd is guiding you. Protecting you though every hill and valley, through the disappointments and failures.  He fills your cup simply by being who He is – the supplier of all we need.

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  – Psalm 23:6


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