Luke 12:27 says this, 492“Consider how the wild flowers grow.  They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.”


Consider how the wild flowers grow… other translations it is consider the lillies of the field.  Consider  nature….what is all around us…..consider how effortlessly things bloom and grow……


Many of us feel like we are just so, so busy and yet we long to consider how the wild flowers grow.  We want to slow down time and savor the moments that we experience and yet time marches on.  Maybe if we can remind each other of a few of them, it will help us to agree to neither labor nor spin through our seasons……..


It is September.  The leaves on the trees are turning from deep green to shades of gold and orange and red and purple…..consider it.  Notice it.  Lift up a prayer of adoration for it.  The weather is changing.  Crisp mornings and cool evenings and a gentle wind that blows the sunny days of late summer…..consider it.  Notice it.  Lift up a prayer of adoration for it.  Give thanks for the season of summer that is passing by and pray for protection and goodness and grace in the season ahead……..


School-age kids are taking school pictures and we marvel at how much they change from year to year.  Consider it.  Notice it.  Celebrate that our children are growing.  There are families who have lost a child this year and would love to celebrate one year older…..we who have not known that grief owe it to them to consider it…..notice it…..praise God for another year with our children.


Consider how the wild flowers grow….and that God decided it mattered to have them, just because they exist and are lovely and simple and unapologetic.  The God who is omnipotent and Sovereign and the beginning and the end also feels that the wild flowers have their place and matter.  Take a few deep breaths.  I will too.  Cup your hands and pour into them all the worries of your heart, all the cares of your mind, everything that robs you of peace and joy……I will too.  Lift up those hands to the Lord and release those cares to Him…….because we cannot handle them for more than a moment……and if we keep them too long we won’t have time to consider all of the wonderful things happening all around us.