If you are on Facebook, please vote for us! Go to People’s Bank on Facebook and vote for Katelyn’s Fund! Like Katelyn’s Fund here! https://www.facebook.com/BankWithPeoplesBank/ Join us for the Peoples Gives Back campaign in celebration of surpassing 1,000 likes on our Facebook page. ...
The David & Kathie Steinberg Family Children: Alex 17; Christopher-Ryan 14; Lyriel 13; Keira 10; Sophie 5; Lily-Mei 4; Our new additions: Kai 2; Skye 4 Church: Grace Fellowship Church, DeMotte, IN We are the Steinberg Family. We would like to share with you our adoption story. We, David and Kathie, met at Vacation Bible School when we were 14. High-school sweethearts became a young married couple in 1994 when we were 20 years old. When we were 24, God did an amazing work...
As part of Sunday school we have been picking out some “Mega Scriptures.” Over Thanksgiving, we had a time of reflection on God’s word and we went over Psalm 103. I think this is a “Mega” chapter because it defines some of God’s character. He forgives your sin and heals all your diseases. He ransoms you from death and surrounds you with love and tender mercies… ...
“As you look at over the twist and turns of your life, can you not see the glimpses of silent mercy, of quiet care? God’s presence and work in your life doesn’t come blasting at you like a television commercial. He doesn’t necessarily declare it, but allows you to discover it, for if you have to think and struggle over the matter, there is more likelihood that you will be led to truly intelligent worship.” Ralph Davis Commentary. This quote was...
Join us for the Empowered to Connect Conference simulcast. April 8-9, 2016 Register to attend at http://katelynsfund.org/ Register for CEU credits (for professionals) at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/continuing-education-registration-for-2016-empowered-to-connect-simulcast-tickets-19693533890 ...
Mark & Jennifer Mozley Family
Soon to be adopted: Ruthi.
Home Church: Atlanta International Church, Atlanta, GA (currently serving in Asia)
My wife and I have never had children on our own, although there was no medical reason why we couldn’t. We considered adoption early on in our marriage but after much prayer, decided that the timing was just not right. We needed our early years to focus on our marriage (we married later in life…the first marriage for us both).
Last weekend my husband and I chaperoned a group of junior high/middle school youth to an annual conference called Winter Blast. Two of our own kids were planning to attend so we thought chaperoning would be fine. My selfish, lazy side thought that after registering the group, we’d just need to drive them there and back, monitor their safety and count heads, not too difficult. Shortly after arriving at the camp we saw the other 400 students arriving with...
I often wonder what it would be like to have been born into different circumstances. What would life be like for me if I had not been born into a family and a country where (in comparison to the world) is very wealthy? What would it have been like to live, from day one, feeling the pangs of hunger and the terror of an unsettled life around me? ...