
01 Feb

Grant Recipient Story: Nathaniel and Ashley

Our adoption story starts with the birth of our first child, Maggie. She was born with a rare condition called Rhombencephalosynapsis with severe hydrocephalus. Doctors said we may only have minutes or hours with her. We prayed and prayed, and the Lord gave us 3 amazing years with her. Since then, we have had adoption in our hearts. We have had 2 more children. Our son Noah and our daughter Isabella. Last fall, God started sending us signs that the time...

30 Jan

Grant Recipient Story: Kyle and Makayla

Early into our marriage, Makayla began experiencing health issues, and we discovered that having a baby biologically would be very difficult for us. Shortly after that we experienced a miracle with the birth of our daughter in 2016. The years following, we desired to continue to grow our family but went through many years of infertility and loss. At the young age of two, our daughter began asking and praying for a baby brother or sister as well and was...

27 Jan

Grant Recipient Story: Callie and Nate

We are currently in the process of our third adoption. With three biological children and two adopted children already in our home, the Lord spoke to us again, asking us to step forward with an obedient yes to another adoption. We knew this was His calling, and as we listened, He made it clear that this time, we were to keep siblings together. He later revealed that it would be a sibling set of four children. At first, the reality of...

27 Jan

Grant Recipient Story: Dan and Abby

In 2020, we felt led to adoption, so we began the process right away! We brought our son home in July of 2022 and it was the greatest season of our lives. Now that our son is 2 years old, we would love to provide a sibling for him! When we sat down and looked at the cost of adoption and our finances, we realized that we would need to depend on the Lord to provide. We began looking for...

18 Jan

Grant Recipient Story: Jeremiah and Kara

Testimonial: How Katelyn’s Fund Helped Us Bring Home Our Son Kara and I (Jeremiah) have known since we were 18 years old that we were called to adopt. You could say it was our “teenage rebellion” against normalcy. We believe there are countless beautiful reasons to adopt, but for us, after having three biological children, the main reason was this crazy idea that we could make a difference in a child’s life—and maybe even in the life of a brave birth...

18 Jan

Celebration Stories: Stertz Family

Thank you so much for partnering with us financially to bring our daughters home a little over a year ago. After, 3 years in the adoption process 23 months matched with our daughters 20% of our year spent in Liberia And them officially adopted for 5 months… On December 4, 2023, we landed back in the US with our two youngest daughters. It has been a little over one year since the girls have been home and we’ve been a family of 10. This past year has...

14 Jan

Grant Recipient Story: Jonathan and Erin

Grant Recipient Story: Jonathan and Erin Adoption has been in both our hearts for years. We were both raised with close friends and family members who were adopted. We knew it would be a part of our story, but only God knew how the story would unfold. We struggled with infertility for years and lost two children. Those were the worst years of our lives. However, the Lord proved faithful. He sustained us and provided for us through the grieving process....

11 Jan

Grant Recipient Story: Kevin and Jenny

Read Kevin and Jenny’s adoption story: We were interested in adoption early in our relationship. We felt called to adopt the first time, and now we have the sweetest, most loveable 3-year-old. After prayerfully considering adoption again, we felt called to move forward. We were so excited and somehow assumed that since we had done it once, it would be even easier this time. Unfortunately, in the wait, we became weary. We questioned if we really heard...

21 Dec

Loving Those Who Don’t Love you Back

This blog was so graciously written by a long time friend of Katelyn’s Fund, Becky Bilby. One of the toughest things I have been called to do is love someone who does not love me back…..or at least someone who does not show they love me in any verbal or outward form. We are so used to hearing “thank you” at the very least when we do something for someone –but in this relationship – those words are not spoken either....

20 Nov

11.14.24 Support Meeting

November 14 – What’s For Dinner? Dana Visser & Carly Saylor, Sioux Center Health We were pleased to have Dana Visser (occupational therapist) and Carly Saylor (speech therapist) share their expertise with us about feeding and eating in children. We learned about the importance of breathing and stability in infants prior to eating, the developmental milestones for the different ages along with the emotional and sensory aspects of eating and food. They also shared their favorite types of high...