
12 Feb

Grant Recipient Story: Josh and Ashley

Adoption has always been on our hearts as a couple ever since we first started dating. Ashley is adopted from foster care and she knows just how much adoption has changed her life. Together, we have always seen the beautiful picture of the Gospel that is found in adoption. God has graciously adopted us into his family! What a gift of life! When we got married, we desired to start a family, but we struggled to get pregnant. So, we turned...

11 Feb

Grant Recipient Stories: Wes and Alexa

Adoption had been on our hearts for years, but it always felt like a “one day, maybe” conversation. The only thing holding us back was the financial burden—it seemed overwhelming. After getting married, we spent nearly four years living with our parents, saving every penny to buy a house. The idea of coming up with the money needed for an adoption felt impossible. After being told by doctors that it would be unlikely we could have biological children, rather than pursuing...

10 Feb

Grant Recipient Stories: Matthew and Jordan

We love children and our desire has always been to build a loving and supportive family for as many children as the Lord would bless us with. When we started to try for a family in 2010, we faced three years of unexpected infertility issues before we became pregnant with identical twins! We were very blessed to start our family with the birth of Madilyn and Mikaela in 2014 but during our struggle with infertility, our hearts were opened to...

09 Feb

Grant Recipient Story: James and Shannon

Adoption has always been on our hearts. Even before we were married, we talked about it and knew it would be part of our story one day. We thought we would have biological children first and then adopt later. But after experiencing multiple heartbreaking losses, we prayed and asked God what He wanted for our family. He gave us a very clear answer, and adoption wasn’t just part of the plan; it was the plan for us to start our...

08 Feb

Grant Recipient Story: Philip and Clare

We truly feel like God is doing some serious work with our family and with our hearts, specifically. Like many couples, we grew up with a strong desire to be parents. We never in a million years would know that we would still be trying to conceive 95 months later (yes, we still track). While infertility has taken away our ability to have biological children, we know that no one is “owed” children. We also know that the deep desire...

07 Feb

Grant Recipient Sotry: Jeremy and Amy

We welcomed our biological daughter in 2023, and we knew shortly after she arrived that we were being called to adopt again. Our first adoption from South Korea was finalized in 2021. But, South Korea has been essentially closed for international adoptions due to a change in adoption structure within Korea that will occur in 2025. Because there were no open doors to South Korea with any agency, we had a phone call scheduled with a local adoption attorney in...

06 Feb

Grant Recipient Story: Jimmy and Kristen

The interview process with Katelyn’s Fund was one that allowed for an opportunity to be prayed over and encouraged, and that was a ministry to both of us. We cannot thank this fund enough for both the generous donation as well as for the ways you have prayed for and encouraged us! I look forward to sharing a story of our ‘baby to come’ with you all soon! The Lord had taught me that it is a opportunity to learn...

05 Feb

Grant Recipient Story: Eddie and Carrie

As youth pastors, we felt his calling in our lives to be a mother and father to the orphaned. In our early years of marriage, we had little resources and knew few people who were pursuing adoption or who had adopted. It was in the 2nd year of marriage, after multiple failures to conceive, we were swept up into the complex world and emotional loss of infertility as young newlyweds. We silently grieved and struggled through this experience as family...

04 Feb

Grant Recipient Story: Christian and Emily

Over our last 11 years of marriage, we have had a call to adopt but felt the Lord telling us to wait. About 3 years ago, we felt Him lifting the “wait.” However, we were living in a 2-bedroom, 720-square-foot rental home. “When we have more space, we will be ready,” we decided. In 2022, Hurricane Ian destroyed our rental home. God was faithful, as He always is. Our financial needs were met through the generous giving of friends, family,...

02 Feb

Grant Recipient Story: Richard and Tamara

We were a few months away from completing our second adoption when we received a call from the agency of our oldest daughter’s adoption that her birth mama was pregnant and wanted to entrust her sweet baby with us. We had been praying for over a year for the Lord to open doors for communication with her to open back up and to continue growing our family. We were overjoyed to say yes, but then immediately began praying for finances....