As part of Sunday school we have been picking out some “Mega Scriptures.” Over Thanksgiving, we had a time of reflection on God’s word and we went over Psalm 103. I think this is a “Mega” chapter because it defines some of God’s character. He forgives your sin and heals all your diseases. He ransoms you from death and surrounds you with love and tender mercies…
Faith boosting scripture is found in every area of the Bible, today I came across a list of all the miracles of Jesus that are recorded in the gospels and I was overcome with gladness and thankfulness. These show us a God of compassion and restoration. Here is some of the list:


5,000 people are fed
Stills the storm
Demons sent into pigs
Jairus’ daughter raised from the dead
Diseased woman healed
Heals the paralyzed man
Leper is healed
Peter’s mother-in-law is healed
Withered hand is restored
Demon-possessed boy cured
Walks on water
Blind receive sight
4,000 fed
Centurion’s servant healed
Dumb healed
Mute speak
Widow’s son raised from dead
Ten lepers cured
Ear restored
Lame walk
I know that I can be secure and safe with a God who has plans for my good.
Today in Exodus I was reading where God was leading the Israelites out of Egypt to the Red Sea. The people became afraid when they saw the Egyptians pursuing them but Moses said, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand where you are and watch the Lord rescue you.”
I feel like I need that word today, maybe you do too. Our family is in the middle of our third adoption, our child is in a country that is at unrest and is certainly classified as unsafe.  It would be easy to let myself fret and worry over the safety of our new son as he waits to join us and also our own safety as we travel to bring him home.  However, as I read through these scriptures it is clear that God is FOR US.  When God calls you to do something your obedience is the first step in realizing God’s power in your situation. As we are obedient we can “Just stand and watch…” the Lord rescue his people and fulfill his promises! He is faithful and good.