“I Hate Adoption” was the title of a blog post that my niece shared on Facebook a couple of times this past year that was written so well by a young lady who is a sibling to several siblings through adoption. This blog post speaks to the piece of adoption that is hard; the brokenness and hating adoption because of this brokenness. This young lady, Kristianna Puckett, so eloquently writes about brokenness and redemption … it is beautifully written (you can see the post at this link: https://thosesweetbarefeet.wordpress.com/2014/11/03/i-hate-adoption/).


I am struggling lately because there is a part of me that really hates adoption. I know that the reality is I hate what adoption represents. Working in the field and being immersed daily in the sad reality of adoptive situations can be so draining and just down right sad. It makes me feel in this moment like I hate adoption. I hate that my daughter has a loss that will always be present and I hate that her birth family has lost her as a part of their daily lives. I hate that so many kids have to navigate through life with deficits that come from abuse and neglect at the hands of adults that have failed them. I hate that there are children starving because poverty has stricken their family. I hate that families have to struggle to help heal kids that have experienced a level of trauma that makes their daily reality a battle ground. It is all so broken … and today I really hate it.


I know that the day will come soon (hopefully tomorrow) that I won’t hate it anymore. I know that God will restore my passion to defend the orphan and I will be rejuvenated to stand up and continue on. I know that I am completely blessed by the child that has been placed in my arms not through birth but through adoption, and I know that I will not hate adoption for long. If you are in that moment where maybe you feel like you hate adoption, please know that it is okay. It is okay to hate that brokenness and loss and to hate the pain comes to many through adoption. Remember that God is present and He understands your sadness and pain in this brokenness, He also wants you to run to Him for restoration! A short snippet from the above mentioned blog


“Adoption is not beautiful.

Adoption is messy and terrifying.

Adoption is bridging the gap between darkness and light.

Adoption means children who walk through hell and endure what no child should.

Adoption means broken pasts and hearts full of scars.

But adoption is worth it.

Because adoption is redemption.”

“Hallelujah, brokenness cannot survive when redemption lives.” 


… and this is why I continue to work and live adoption each day.