Dear boys and girls,

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day.  It is a day that the world celebrates in honor of Love.  Many celebrate romantic love, but please know that love is more than boys liking girls, and girls being loyal to just one guy……Love is everything.  Love is Jesus.  Love is the Gift of Salvation, and the Father who loves his children so much that He will do whatever it takes to keep them with him.  Love is power.  Love is a weapon against the devil.  Love is more than Valentine’s Day.  Love is every day.

My sons…..I hope some day you will meet a girl who makes your insides tingle and your heart beat fast.  I hope you know how to be humble and silly and raw and real so that the girl will see the real you and fall madly in love.  My sons… are worth it.  You are worthy of Love.  Not lust.  Not even romance and status… are worthy of Love.  If “she” doesn’t love you well, then she is not the one for you.

My daughters…..oh my heart.  Girls.  Do not settle.  Do not be distracted by physical beauty or money or status…..look deeper.  Notice how “he” treats his mother and his sisters and his grandma.  Ask the Lord before you say yes.  The Lord will have an opinion.  I promise.  Do the best you can to find a man as much like dad as possible.  You won’t get dad….but by God’s grace….you may get close.

Tomorrow I will celebrate Valentine’s Day and enjoy the bouquet my hunny bought me.  We will go out for dinner and enjoy some grown up time and we will enjoy and celebrate that we have love.  I am acutely aware of those who do not.  I was there once, too.  Lets all love one another, as God loves us.  Lets all celebrate Valentine’s day remembering and working toward love rather than selfish gain, or bitterness….even without romance, the world needs love.

Love came to save us and Love will return for us one day.  May that day come with us showing the love that He imparted to us and will bring full circle.  Happy Valentine’s Day!