Our three-year old daughter was an instrument in the Lord’s hands this past week. We are currently waiting to bring home our twin boys from DR Congo and while we are intentional (at least aiming to be) in living each day fully as a family of four until the boys come home, the wait is hard. Each update we get, each new photo, is an enormous encouragement. The Lord was so gracious, then, when he provided a completely unexpected discovery last week. Looking at photos of the boys on Daddy’s phone, our daughter somehow rearranged them by location and brought up in Google maps the exact location and building (which we found on Google Earth!) of the boys’ home, something we had not  yet known. Though my thoughts remain conflicted about the access technology gives us in today’s time, the ability to look at the building where our children are and pray over their building, their street, their block, is absolutely amazing and provides this momma with such a sense of comfort and hope. 


Our boys are right now 8,062 miles away from us. The comfort and hope I receive from seeing their home, from receiving updates, from seeing new pictures of their precious faces–while sweet and to be cherished–is not rooted in the many Truths that are providing the only lasting sense of comfort through this process. Through late night tears, constant calculations of time differences, and a body that feels nearly divided in half most of the time, it is truths like these that give me real Peace: 


Jesus advocates for the orphan. He is fighting for them to know an earthly father and gain a picture of their Heavenly Father.


The Lord is in control of every circumstance, happening, timing, court decision, illness, plane ride, and detail of this and every occurrence.


God the Father loves these boys more than I could ever dream about (and that’s a lot). Jesus died for these precious lives.


God foreknew their lives, the makeup of our family, and will work all things together for our good and His glory.


The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. (Proverbs 15:3)


Nothing (not even 8,062 miles) can separate us from the Love of Christ. (Romans 8:39)