Partner Churches

Katelyn’s Fund praises God for the opportunity to partner with your church as we both seek to carry out our Lord’s command to care for the orphans and to walk in love and support of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

To the glory of our Heavenly Father, our relationship through spiritual support and financial gifts can be a life-changing power as together we lay our hands directly on the lives of many orphaned children and adoptive families.

We are so thankful for God’s unfailing faithfulness and for the relationship we desire to have with your congregation. May He richly bless our partnership as we seek to serve Him in obedience to the leading of His Holy Spirit.

There are other ways for your church to get involved, too.

Ways churches have engaged in the past: Annual Thanksgiving offerings, Vacation Bible School drive, Sunday School and Youth Group offerings, Awana giving, Missions Share, church family group or teacher sponsorship, fundraising dinner, awareness coffee–we invite your creative participation!


By becoming a church partner with the overall Katelyn’s Fund ministry, you and your congregation will be a part of the great call to help families and children by making adoption more affordable and providing support to families already walking the difficult road.


Another way to support the orphan is to align your church with family group at our orphanage in Haiti. The names and faces of specific kids will invite your congregation into relationship and propel the heart for orphan care.


We would love to find a unique and fitting way for your church to be involved. If you’re interested in partnering with Katelyn’s Fund but don’t yet see an ideal way, let’s work together and find away for your partnership to flourish!

If you have adoptive or foster families within your church, please plug them into our community! We would love to invite them into our Katelyn’s Fund support community.

Sioux Center, Iowa Meetings

First Reformed Church
Fireside Room
160 10th Street SE
Sioux Center, IA 51250

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