Criteria and Guidelines

In order to apply, parents must complete the Katelyn’s Fund online application and attach copies of the following:
  • Completed Home study (must be completed and approved before application) within 45 days of placement of child for domestic adoptions
  • Picture of adoptive family
  • Picture of children to be adopted (if known)
  • Tax returns(1040s from your tax returns from previous two years, plus Schedule A, if applicable, of your federal tax returns. Please do not send any state tax returns.)
  • Statement of expenses from adoption agency
  • List of at least two names with addresses and emails to receive Katelyn’s Fund Newsletter
  • Application must be submitted and the interview with the board must be conducted before travel is complete for international adoptions; 45 days within placement for domestic adoptions
Who can qualify for a grant from Katelyn’s Fund?
  • Two-parent married, heterosexual, Christian families professing their belief in Jesus Christ as the only Lord and Savior. Our desire is for children to be adopted into two parent Christian homes. God has ordained marriage and designed children to benefit and grow in this love.
  • Parents must complete their statement of faith on the application and discuss this during the interview process–your relationship with Jesus Christ is critical.
  • Families must be working with a licensed adoption agency.
  • Families showing financial hardship with adoption expenses or need of assistance. Costs of adoption certainly affect almost all families, so applicants will be prayerfully considered.
  • Applications must be submitted at least 90 days before travel and applicants must have an interview with the board before travel occurs or within 45 days of placement for domestic adoptions.
What are the steps to the application process?
  • Step 1 – Submit the Katelyn’s Fund online application form along with all items listed on the checklist attached.
  • Step 2 – Katelyn’s Fund requires references to send letters on your behalf. These reference letters need to be attached with your application or you application will not be considered complete and therefore will not be reviewed.
  • Step 3 – Katelyn’s Fund’s board of directors will meet and pray about all requests as they are submitted. The board will review all application materials and notify applicants of a time for interview or letter of decline.
  • Step 4 – Katelyn’s Fund board will conduct interviews with applicants. This is a time to learn more about your family, child/children you are adopting, God’s plan in your adoption, and a time for our board to pray for you as a family.
  • Step 5 – Katelyn’s Fund board will prayerfully consider families’ needs after the interview. The board will determine grant decisions and notify families regarding grant commitments within three weeks of the interview. All applicants will receive a response from the board.
How are grants distributed?
  • Katelyn’s Fund notifies families of an adoption grant and grant commitment.
  • Grants will be sent directly to the licensed agency you are working with for your adoption.
  • Grants are distributed within 30 days after notification of grant commitment to applicants.
  • Grants are dispersed directly toward adoption expenses. (i.e. adoption agency fees, legal fees, travel expenses, etc.)
How much is the grant?
  • Grants given may be up to $3,000 contingent on available resources.
  • Subsequent grants (up to three total grants maximum) will be given as able.

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