
Our Kids Are Waiting for You

There are so many ways to care for the orphan, and we can’t wait to find what is right for you.

Your decision to partner with our ministry and do life with a child will open up doors of opportunity for their future, and for this we are grateful. We believe in the unique destiny, written by the Lord, for each of our children.  We believe in the power of prayer, and in particular, the prayers you will lift up on a child’s behalf.  And we believe in your divine role, laid out in Isaiah 61, where it says: “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon you, for the LORD has anointed you to bring good news to the poor. He has sent you to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed.”

There are a few ways you can join our family as a monthly giver:


This means you commit to give $25+ a month towards the overall orphanage and the well-being of all 71 kids in care. In return, you will receive monthly updates about the happenings at OneVision and special opportunities to travel.


This means you commit to give $100+ a month towards a specific family group. A family group is a smaller group of 6-12 children and one mommy that functions as a “family” within the whole group at the orphanage. They live together in the same dorm room, care for each other as brothers/sisters do, share responsibilities around the orphanage grounds, help their mommy, and share in a weekly Bible study. In return, we will equip you with opportunities to invest and grow in relationships with the kids in this family group. You will receive monthly updates about the happenings at OneVision, an annual update specific to your family groups, and special opportunities to travel. Meet our family groups below.

Both of these opportunities help us to provide for OneVision’s $20,000 monthly operating budget and gives you an opportunity to connect across cultures, enriching your life while you enrich a child’s.

Meet our Family Groups

Scroll over each group to learn more!

Meet Our Family Groups

We have 8 smaller family groups within our larger orphanage family, and we’re so excited to introduce each of them to you! Check out a brief introduction of each one by hovering over each picture.


Bonheur is the Creole word for “happiness + joy”, and the joy of the Lord surely abounds in these young men.

Our Caretaker: Mommy Aviole | Our Family: Wilguens, Kervens, Elizer, Nelson, Miguel, Watson, Dave, Ismailey and Jamesley.


Celeste is the Creole word for “heavenly places”, and it is our prayer that the hearts of these young men would rest there.

Our Caregiver: Mommy Widelande | Our Family:  Frantzson, Loveson, Woodens, Wadson, Myson, Judeson, Hanson, Witchy, and Dawens.


Vaillante is the Creole word for “brave”, and what a mighty word to claim as we pray for each of these young men to be a warrior for the Lord.


Our Caretaker: Mommy Carolle | Our Family: John Peter, Isaac, Moise, Alex, Andjedo, Andre, Job, Wensley, Kervens, and Jhonny.



Victoire is the Creole word for “victorious”, and what a word to speak over this group of young women and one little man.


Our Caretaker: Mommy Trompé | Our Family: Joulencie, Rose Berlinda, Lovena, Justine, Rebecca, Berlandine, and Niseta.



Racheté is the Creole word for “redemption”, and how amazing to see the Lord’s redeeming working in this group of fiery girls.

Our Caretaker: Mommy Volcy | Our Family: Paola, Valencia, Isna, Fabie, Sherlanda, Judemelle, and Saika. 


Pureté is the Creole word for “purity”, and I can think of nothing better to speak over this group of young women, growing in love for the Lord.

Our Caretaker: Mommy Anne | Our Family: Renise, Diensuze, Alnase, and Malina.

Partially SPONSORED!


Eclair is the Creole word for “a flash of lightening”, and I can’t help but think about the power associated with such a phrase – and such a group of young men.

Our Caretaker: Mommy Midy | Our Family:  Mackens, Paulo, Jobenson, Mikeldo, Wendy John, Jusnel, Wilnick, Djbril, Alexandro, Wadley, and Bensley.


Pureté is the Creole word for “purity”, and I can think of nothing better to speak over this group of young women, growing in love for the Lord.

Our Caretaker: Momma Anne | Our Family: Mi-Cherline, Mona, Love Dina, Berlanda, Srilanka, Carmesuze, Love Onchise, Exandaline, Valencia, and Wandaline.



There is so much happening with each of these family groups, as the Lord moves and calls them into deeper places of his heart. They’re waiting for you to speak life, speak encouragement, speak hope into their dreams. Will you be a part of their story?

Click on the ‘Sponsor Now’ link below!

Why wait? Join the family today!

Are you ready to become a General Orphanage or Family Group Sponsor? We can’t wait to connect you with our family in Haiti.

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